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Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58603, Jan.-Jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550247


Resumen Introducción: La experiencia de vivir con una enfermedad crónica no es una tarea sencilla, se requiere de herramientas que permitan aumentar el grado de conciencia para enfrentar las necesidades y superar desafíos sobre el estado de salud y enfermedad. En los últimos años, se ha instaurado el apoyo al automanejo, con la finalidad de potenciar las habilidades en personas con este tipo de afecciones. Resulta trascendental considerar como desde enfermería se puede contribuir al logro de aquello. El objetivo del presente ensayo es reflexionar acerca de la teoría de las transiciones de Meléis como paradigma de apoyo al automanejo en personas con condiciones crónicas. Desarrollo: La teoría de las transiciones de Meléis establece que las personas están en constante cambio, tal como ocurre en el proceso de transición de salud-enfermedad. Recibir el diagnóstico de una enfermedad crónica, conlleva una serie de procesos complejos para la persona, debido a la multiplicidad de variables que ello implica. La teoría de Meléis entrega lineamientos para orientar a la persona profesional de enfermería sobre elementos claves e interrelacionados, como la concepción previa de la naturaleza de la transición y sus condiciones, lo que servirá para la planificación de modalidades de intervención congruentes con las experiencias de la persona y su evaluación en el transcurso del proceso de salud y enfermedad. Conclusión: El paradigma ofrecido por Meléis puede ser considerado un enfoque clave para emprender el proceso de cuidado de enfermería tendiente a apoyar a las personas con enfermedad crónica en el logro del automanejo.

Abstract Introduction: The experience of living with a chronic disease is not a simple task, since it requires tools that allow increasing the degree of awareness to face the needs and overcome challenges about the state of health and disease. In recent years, support for self-management has been established, with the aim of enhancing the skills of people with this type of condition. It is important to consider how the nursing discipline can contribute to achieve this. The aim of this paper is to reflect on Meléis' theory of transitions as a paradigm to support self-management in people with chronic conditions. Development: Meléis' theory of transitions establishes that people are in constant change, as occurs in the health-illness transition process. Receiving the diagnosis of a chronic disease involves a series of complex processes for the person, due to the multiplicity of variables involved. Meléis' theory provides guidelines to orient the nursing professional on key and interrelated elements, such as the previous conception of the nature of the transition and its conditions, which will serve for the planning of intervention modalities congruent with the person's experiences and their evaluation in the course of the health and disease process. Conclusion: The paradigm offered by Meléis can be considered a key approach to undertake the nursing care process aimed at supporting people with chronic illness in achieving self-management.

Resumo Introdução: A experiênca de viver com uma doença crônica não é uma tarefa simple, pois requer ferramentas que permitam aumentar o nível de consciência para enfrentar as necessidades e superar desafios relativos ao estado de saúde e doença. Nos últimos anos, foi estabelecido o apoio à autogestão, com o objetivo de melhorar as habilidades das pessoas com este tipo de condições. É transcendental considerar como a disciplina de Enfermagem pode contribuir para isso. O objetivo deste ensaio é refletir sobre a teoria das transições de Meleis como paradigma de apoio à autogestão em pessoas com condições crônicas. Desenvolvimento: A teoria das transições de Meléis estabelece que as pessoas estão em constante mudança, como acontece no processo de transição saúde-doença. Receber o diagnóstico de uma doença crónica implica uma série de processos complexos para a pessoa, devido à multiplicidade de variáveis envolvidas. A teoria de Meléis fornece directrizes para orientar o profissional de enfermagem sobre elementos-chave e inter-relacionados, como a conceção prévia da natureza da transição e das suas condições, que servirão para o planeamento de modalidades de intervenção congruentes com as experiências da pessoa e a sua avaliação no decurso do processo saúde-doença. Conclusão: O paradigma oferecido por Meleis pode ser considerado uma abordagem chave para empreender o processo de cuidado de enfermagem que visa apoiar as pessoas com doenças crônicas no alcance do autogerenciamento.

Humans , Chronic Disease/psychology , Transitional Care , Self-Management/methods
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE01432, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1533315


Resumo Objetivo Analisar o conceito de "autogestão ineficaz do linfedema" em mulheres mastectomizadas. Métodos Trata-se de uma análise do conceito proposto por Walker e Avant operacionalizada por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, organizada em oito etapas e baseada nas seguintes questões norteadoras: Qual é a definição de autogestão ineficaz em mulheres mastectomizadas? Quais os antecedentes, atributos e consequências da autogestão ineficaz em mulheres mastectomizadas? Como a autogestão ineficaz de linfedema tem sido definida no contexto de mulheres que passaram por mastectomia? A busca de artigos foi realizada em cinco bases de dados eletrônicas, sem limite de data, no período de julho de 2022 a fevereiro de 2023. Resultados Foram identificados 30 antecedentes e 19 consequentes; os mais frequentes entre eles foram respectivamente os seguintes: falta de apoio familiar/social e diminuição da qualidade de vida. Os atributos definidores mais frequentemente identificados foram os seguintes: edema, inchaço no braço, sensação de peso no membro, dor, dormência e diminuição da função do membro. Foram ainda elaborados os casos modelo e contrário para auxiliar na decisão sobre o uso do conceito. Conclusão Os conceitos resultantes da análise contribuem para clarificar os termos e o desenvolvimento da linguagem na enfermagem, devendo ser validados por juízes e prática clínica para melhor aplicação na oncologia clínica.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar el concepto de "autogestión ineficaz de linfedema" en mujeres mastectomizadas. Métodos Se trata de un análisis del concepto propuesto por Walker y Avant, realizado mediante una revisión integradora de la literatura, organizado en ocho etapas y basado en las siguientes preguntas orientadoras: ¿Cuál es la definición de autogestión ineficaz en mujeres mastectomizadas? ¿Cuáles son los antecedentes, atributos y consecuencias de la autogestión ineficaz en mujeres mastectomizadas? ¿Cómo se define la autogestión ineficaz de linfedema en el contexto de mujeres que pasaron por una mastectomía? La búsqueda de artículos fue realizada en cinco bases de datos electrónicas, sin límite de fecha, en el período de julio de 2022 a febrero de 2023. Resultados Se identificaron 30 antecedentes y 19 consecuentes. El antecedente más frecuente fue falta de apoyo familiar/social y el consecuente, reducción de la calidad de vida. Los atributos definidores identificados más frecuentemente fueron los siguientes: edema, hinchazón en el brazo, sensación de peso en el miembro, dolor, adormecimiento y reducción de la función del miembro. Además, se elaboraron los casos modelo y contrarios para ayudar en la decisión sobre el uso del concepto. Conclusión Los conceptos resultantes del análisis contribuyen a clarificar los términos y el desarrollo del lenguaje en enfermería y deben ser validados por jueces y práctica clínica para una mejor aplicación en la oncología clínica.

Abstract Objective To analyze the concept of "ineffective self-management of lymphedema" in mastectomized women. Methods This is an analysis of the concept proposed by Walker and Avant, operationalized through an integrative literature review, organized into eight stages, and based on the following guiding questions: What is the definition of ineffective self-management in mastectomized women? What are the antecedents, attributes, and consequences of ineffective self-management in mastectomized women? How has ineffective self-management of lymphedema been defined in the context of women who have undergone mastectomy? The search for articles was carried out in five electronic databases, with no date limit, from July 2022 to February 2023. Results Antecedents (30) and consequents (19) were identified. Among them, the most frequent were the following, respectively: lack of family and/or social support and decreased quality of life. The most frequently identified defining attributes were the following: edema, swelling in the arm, feeling of heaviness in the limb, pain, numbness, and reduced function of the limb. Model and contrary cases were also designed to help decide on the use of the concept. Conclusion The concepts resulting from the analysis contribute to clarifying the terms and development of language in nursing, and should be validated by judges and clinical practice for better application in clinical oncology.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE00092, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1533333


Resumo Objetivo Identificar os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a construção da autonomia na adolescência através da experiência de jovens adultos com diabetes tipo 1 e seus pais. Métodos Estudo de natureza qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória. Foram realizadas duas entrevistas de grupo focal, uma com nove jovens adultos peritos na gestão de sua doença e outra com sete pais. Para análise dos dados, foram usados análise de conteúdo temática e categorial, com particularidades de entrevista de grupo focal, e recurso ao software NVIVO 12. Resultados Emergiram duas grandes categorias e dez subcategorias relativas aos fatores que facilitaram (sistemas de suporte, conhecimentos, alimentação, bomba de insulina, responsabilização precoce pela gestão da terapêutica, características dos jovens), e dificultaram (regime terapêutico, estigma, atitude dos profissionais de saúde, características dos jovens, conhecimento) o desenvolvimento da autonomia na gestão da doença. Conclusão A autonomia na gestão do diabetes envolve vários desafios aos adolescentes, o que requer adequação de atitudes e intervenções de profissionais. Além da gestão tradicional da condição de saúde, é essencial abordar temas relacionados com a socialização dos adolescentes, procurando estratégias inovadoras que promovam o coping e a qualidade de vida. Os resultados deste estudo possibilitam refletir sobre a relação terapêutica com os adolescentes, salientando a importância de individualizar cuidados e respostas inovadoras às suas necessidades específicas.

Resumen Objetivo Identificar los factores que facilitan o dificultan la construcción de la autonomía en la adolescencia a través de la experiencia de jóvenes adultos con diabetes tipo 1 y sus padres. Métodos: Estudio de naturaleza cualitativa, descriptiva y exploratoria. Se realizaron dos entrevistas de grupo focal, una con nueve jóvenes adultos expertos en la gestión de su enfermedad y otra con siete padres. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó el análisis de contenido temático y categorial, con particularidades de entrevista de grupo focal y recurso del software NVIVO 12. Resultados Surgieron dos grandes categorías y diez subcategorías relativas a los factores que facilitaron el desarrollo de la autonomía en la gestión de la enfermedad (sistemas de apoyo, conocimientos, alimentación, bomba de insulina, responsabilización temprana de la gestión de la terapéutica, características de los jóvenes) y los que la dificultaron (régimen terapéutico, estigma, actitudes de los profesionales de la salud, características de los jóvenes, conocimientos). Conclusión La autonomía en la gestión de la diabetes incluye muchos desafíos para los adolescentes, lo que requiere adaptación de actitudes e intervenciones de profesionales. Además de la gestión tradicional del estado de salud, es esencial abordar temas relacionados con la socialización de los adolescentes y buscar estrategias innovadoras que promuevan el coping y la calidad de vida. Los resultados de este estudio permiten reflexionar sobre la relación terapéutica con los adolescentes y destacar la importancia de individualizar los cuidados y las respuestas innovadoras para sus necesidades específicas.

Abstract Objective To identify the factors that facilitate or hinder the construction of autonomy in adolescence through the experience of young adults with type-1 diabetes and their parents. Methods This was a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study. Two focus group interviews were conducted: one with nine young adults who were experts in managing their illness and the other with seven parents. Thematic and categorical content analysis was used for data analysis, with particularities of a focus group interview and the use of the NVIVO 12 software. Results Two major categories and ten subcategories related to factors that facilitated (support systems, knowledge, diet, insulin pump, early responsibility for managing therapy, and characteristics of young people) and hindered (therapeutic regimen, stigma, attitude of health professionals, characteristics of young people, and knowledge) the development of autonomy in disease management emerged. Conclusion Autonomy in the management of diabetes involves several challenges for adolescents, which requires adaptation of attitudes and interventions by professionals. In addition to the traditional management of the health condition, addressing issues related to the socialization of adolescents is essential, looking for innovative strategies that promote coping and quality of life. The results of this study make it possible to reflect on the therapeutic relationship with adolescents, emphasizing the importance of individualizing care and innovative responses to their specific needs.

Humans , Adult , Chronic Disease/therapy , Personal Autonomy , Diabetes Mellitus , Self-Management , Glycemic Control , Interviews as Topic , Focus Groups
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e4073, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1530187


Objetivo: evaluar las evidencias disponibles en la literatura sobre la atención de enfermería en salud mental a personas con diabetes mellitus en los diferentes niveles de atención de salud. Método: revisión integrativa de la literatura. Búsqueda en cinco bases de datos. Muestra de 14 estudios, exportados al gerenciador EndNote®. Los datos se organizaron en planilla de Microsoft Excel®. La calidad metodológica de los estudios fue evaluada mediante herramientas propuestas por el Joanna Briggs Institute. Las etapas de muestreo, categorización, evaluación, interpretación de resultados y síntesis de los estudios incluidos fueron realizadas por dos revisores de manera independiente y ciega. El análisis descriptivo de resultados está presentado en tres categorías. Resultados: recomendaciones para autocuidado reforzado por la red de apoyo social, incluyendo herramientas y estrategias de los ámbitos físico y psíquico; estrategias de comunicación terapéutica y psicoterapia, haciendo foco en la psicoterapia y la comunicación terapéutica; e intervenciones de autogestión/autogerenciamiento, abordando el autocuidado en base a teorías conductuales. Conclusión: la síntesis de conocimientos reveló que las pautas de autocuidado reforzadas por la red de apoyo social, las estrategias de comunicación terapéutica y psicoterapia y las intervenciones de autogestión/autogerenciamiento son intervenciones positivas que ayudan a las personas con diabetes mellitus y trastornos mentales a prevenir complicaciones.

Objective: evaluate the evidence available on mental health nursing care for people with diabetes mellitus at different levels of health care. Method: integrative literature review. The search was conducted in five databases. The sample consisted of 14 studies. The studies were exported to the EndNote manager and their data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The methodological quality of the studies was evaluated using tools proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Sampling, categorization, evaluation, interpretation of the results, and synthesis of the included studies were carried out by two reviewers independently. The descriptive analysis of the results is presented in three categories. Results: self-care guidelines enhanced by the social support network, encompassing physical and psychological tools and strategies; therapeutic communication and psychotherapy strategies, focusing on psychotherapy and therapeutic communication; and self-management interventions, addressing self-care based on behavioral theories. Conclusion: the synthesis of knowledge revealed that guidelines for self-care enhanced by the social support network, psychotherapy and therapeutic communication strategies, and self-management interventions are positive interventions that contribute to people with mental disorders and diabetes mellitus in the prevention of diseases.

Objetivo: avaliar as evidências disponíveis sobre os cuidados de enfermagem em saúde mental para pessoas com diabetes mellitus nos diferentes níveis de atenção à saúde. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura. Busca realizada em cinco bases de dados. Amostra composta por 14 estudos. Os estudos foram exportados para o gerenciador EndNote, e seus dados, para uma planilha desenvolvida pelo Microsoft Excel. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos foi avaliada por meio de ferramentas propostas pelo Joanna Briggs Institute. Etapas de amostragem, categorização, avaliação, interpretação dos resultados e síntese dos estudos incluídos foram realizadas por dois revisores de forma independente e mascarada. A análise descritiva dos resultados é apresentada em três categorias. Resultados: orientações para o autocuidado potencializadas pela rede de suporte social, englobando ferramentas e estratégias no âmbito físico e psíquico; estratégias de comunicação terapêutica e psicoterapia, focalizando a psicoterapia e a comunicação terapêutica; e intervenções de autogestão/ autogerenciamento, abordando o autocuidado com base em teorias comportamentais. Conclusão: a síntese do conhecimento revelou que as orientações para o autocuidado potencializadas pela rede de suporte social, estratégias de comunicação terapêutica e psicoterapia e intervenções de autogestão/autogerenciamento são intervenções positivas que auxiliam as pessoas com transtornos mentais e diabetes mellitus na prevenção de agravos.

Humans , Psychiatric Nursing , Social Support , Diabetes Mellitus/therapy , Mental Disorders/therapy
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3908, ene.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1441988


Objetivo: analizar la efectividad del autocuidado digital en el manejo del dolor y la discapacidad funcional en personas con trastornos musculoesqueléticos espinales. Método: revisión sistemática de la literatura, desarrollada con la checklist PRISMA, de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados sobre personas con trastornos musculoesqueléticos de columna e intervenciones digitales a las que se accede por computadora, smartphones u otro dispositivo portátil. Bases de datos consultadas: National Library of Medicine, Excerpta Médica dataBASE, SciVerse Scopus, Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, Science Citation Indexes, Cummulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature y Physiotherapy Evidence Database. Síntesis de resultados descriptiva y por metanálisis (modelo de efectos fijos) realizada con el software Review Manager. Calidad metodológica evaluada mediante la escala Physiotherapy Evidence Database. Resultados: se seleccionaron 25 ensayos (5142 participantes) que mostraron mejoras estadísticamente significativas (p<0,05) del 54% (12/22) en los niveles de dolor y del 47% (10/21) en la discapacidad funcional en el grupo intervención. Los metanálisis mostraron efectos moderados sobre la intensidad del dolor y efectos pequeños sobre la discapacidad funcional. Predominaron los estudios de calidad media. Conclusión: las intervenciones de atención digital demostraron resultados beneficiosos para la intensidad del dolor y la discapacidad funcional, principalmente para el dolor lumbar crónico. Se ha demostrado que la atención digital es promisoria para favorecer el automanejo de las afecciones musculoesqueléticas de columna. Registro PROSPERO CRD42021282102.

Objective: to analyze the effectiveness of digital self-care in the management of pain and functional disability among people with spine musculoskeletal disorders. Method: a systematic literature review, developed with the PRISMA checklist, of randomized clinical trials of people with spine musculoskeletal disorders and digital interventions accessed by means of computers, smartphones or other portable devices. Databases researched: National Library of Medicine, Excerpta Médica dataBASE, SciVerse Scopus, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Science Citation Indexes, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature and Physiotherapy Evidence Database. The descriptive synthesis of the results and by means of meta-analyses (fixed-effects model) was performed with the Review Manager software. The methodological quality was evaluated with the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale. Results: a total of 25 trials were selected (5,142 participants), which showed statistically significant improvements (p <0.05) in 54% (12/22) in the pain levels and 47% (10/21) in functional disability in the Intervention Group. The meta-analyses showed moderate effects on pain intensity and small effects on functional disability. There was a predominance of medium quality studies. Conclusion: the digital care interventions showed a beneficial result in pain intensity and in functional disability, mainly for chronic low back pain. Digital care emerges as promising to support self-management of the spine musculoskeletal conditions. PROSPERO registry number CRD42021282102.

Objetivo: analisar a efetividade do autocuidado digital no manejo da dor e incapacidade funcional em pessoas com distúrbios musculoesqueléticos de coluna. Método: revisão sistemática da literatura, desenvolvida com o checklist PRISMA, de ensaios clínicos randomizados de pessoas com distúrbios musculoesqueléticos de coluna e intervenções digitais acessadas por computador, smartphones ou outro dispositivo portátil. Bases pesquisadas: National Library of Medicine, Excerpta Médica dataBASE, SciVerse Scopus, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Science Citation Indexes, Cummulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature e Physiotherapy Evidence Database. Síntese dos resultados descritiva e por metanálises (modelo de efeitos fixos) com o software Review Manager. Qualidade metodológica avaliada pela escala Physiotherapy Evidence Database. Resultados: selecionaram-se 25 ensaios (5142 participantes) que revelaram melhoras estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05) em 54% (12/22) nos níveis de dor e 47% (10/21) na incapacidade funcional no grupo intervenção. As metanálises mostraram efeitos moderados na intensidade da dor e pequenos na incapacidade funcional. Houve predominância de estudos de média qualidade. Conclusão: intervenções de cuidados digitais mostraram resultado benéfico na intensidade da dor e na incapacidade funcional principalmente para dor lombar crônica. Evidenciam-se os cuidados digitais como promissores para apoiar o autogerenciamento das condições musculoesqueléticas de coluna. Registro PROSPERO CRD42021282102.

Self Care , Pain Measurement , Musculoskeletal Diseases/therapy , Low Back Pain , Internet , Pain Management
Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(5)oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530007


Objective: To evaluate the knowledge about physiological aspects, clinical management, and nutrition of primary care patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by sociodemographic, economic, and clinical variables. Material and methods: We conducted an observational cross-sectional study in 22 Family Health Strategy units in the city of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, in 2015 among 353 patients registered with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A structured questionnaire was used to assess sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Knowledge was assessed using the diabetes knowledge scale questionnaire. Data were presented with absolute frequencies and percentages and analyzed using Poisson regression. Results: Most respondents demonstrated satisfactory knowledge in the field of physiology (60.30%) and unsatisfactory knowledge in clinical management (67.7%) and nutrition (61.5%). Schooling was associated with knowledge in the areas of physiology, clinical management and nutrition, and treatment associated with clinical management. Conclusion: Knowledge about type 2 diabetes mellitus was related to sociodemographic characteristics and treatment. The importance of health education for coping with this chronic condition is evident.

Objetivo: Evaluar los conocimientos sobre aspectos fisiológicos, manejo clínico y nutrición de usuarios con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 registrados en unidades de Atención Primaria y su análisis según variables sociodemográficas, económicas y clínicas. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional y transversal realizado en 22 unidades de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia de la ciudad de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, en 2015 con 353 pacientes registrados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado para evaluar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas. El conocimiento se evaluó mediante el cuestionario de la escala de conocimiento de la diabetes. Los datos se presentaron en frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes. El análisis de datos utilizó la regresión de Poisson. Resultados: La mayoría de los encuestados demostró conocimientos satisfactorios en el campo de fisiología (60,30%) y conocimientos insatisfactorios en manejo clínico (67,7%) y nutrición (61,5%). La escolaridad se asoció con conocimientos en las áreas de Fisiología, Manejo Clínico y Nutrición e treatment con Manejo Clínico. Conclusión: El conocimiento sobre la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 está relacionado con las características sociodemográficas y el. tratamento. La importancia de la educación en salud para el enfrentamiento de esta condición crónica es evidente.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430302


Objetivo: Identificar e descrever as características dos aplicativos móveis para autogestão do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 em usuários de sistema de infusão contínua de insulina. Método: Revisão integrativa, com buscas efetuadas no mês de junho de 2020, a partir dos artigos publicados PUBMED, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science e Scopus. Considerou-se como critério de elegibilidade estudos que abordavam sobre aplicativos móveis para autogestão do DM1 em usuários de Sistema de Infusão Contínua de Insulina, sem restrição temporal. Foram excluídos apenas estudos indisponíveis. Resultados: Após a análise de duas revisoras independentes foram incluídos na análise final 14 estudos e identificados 11 aplicativos móveis para smartphones que podem auxiliar no autogerenciamento do DM1, nomeados como iDECIDE, Sugar Sleuth, VoiceDiab, Blip, GoCARB, Nightscout, Gerenciamento Inteligente de Diabetes, Calculadora móvel de troca de Alimentos, Insulin Pump, DiaMob e Diário Interativo sobre Diabetes. Conclusão: Os aplicativos móveis foram desenvolvidos para promover mudanças de comportamento e ajustes no tratamento de maneira positiva, tanto em resultados clínicos quanto na qualidade de vida e autogestão do diabetes em pessoas com DM1. Aplicativos móveis para smartphones podem auxiliar no autogerenciamento do DM1, por possibilitar auxílio na decisão de aplicação de insulina, controle glicêmico, análise na necessidade de insulina nas refeições, gestão alimentar, cálculo dos componentes alimentares nas refeições, monitoramento contínuo da glicose e cálculo automático de bolus de carboidratos e insulina.

Objetivo: Identificar y comprender las características de las aplicaciones móviles para el autocontrol de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) en personas usuarias de sistemas de infusión continua de insulina. Método: Revisión integradora, con búsquedas realizadas en el mes de junio de 2020, de artículos publicados en las bases de datos PUBMED, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science y Scopus. Los criterios de elegibilidad considerados para los estudios fueron que abordaran aplicaciones móviles para el autocuidado de DM1 en personas usuarias del sistema de infusión continua de insulina, sin restricción de tiempo. Solo se excluyeron los estudios no disponibles. Resultados: Después del análisis de dos revisores independientes, se incluyeron 14 estudios en el análisis final y se identificaron 11 aplicaciones móviles para teléfonos inteligentes que pueden ayudar en la autogestión de DM1, denominadas iDECIDE, Sugar Sleuth, VoiceDiab, Blip, GoCARB, Nightscout, Intelligent Manejo de la diabetes, Calculadora móvil de intercambio de alimentos, Bomba de insulina, DiaMob y Diario interactivo sobre diabetes. Conclusión: En los estudios analizados, se desarrollaron aplicaciones móviles para promover cambios de comportamiento y ajustes de tratamiento de forma positiva, tanto en los resultados clínicos como en la calidad de vida y el autocontrol de la diabetes en personas con DM1. Las aplicaciones móviles para teléfonos inteligentes pueden ayudar en el autocontrol de DM1, al permitir la asistencia en la decisión de aplicar insulina, control glucémico, análisis de la necesidad de insulina en las comidas, manejo de alimentos, cálculo de los componentes de los alimentos en las comidas, monitoreo continuo de glucosa y cálculo automático del bolo de carbohidratos e insulina.

Objetive: To identify and understand the characteristics of mobile applications for self-management of type 1 mellitus diabetes in users of continuous insulin infusion systems. Method: integrative review with searches carried out in the month of June 2020, based on the articles published in PUBMED, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus. The eligibility criteria were based to consider those studies that addressed mobile applications for self-management of DM1 in users of Continuous Infusion System of Insulin without time restriction. Only unavailable studies were excluded. Results: After the analysis of two independent reviewers, 14 studies were included in the final analysis, and 11 mobile applications for smartphones that can assist in self-management of DM1 were identified; these were named as iDECIDE, Sugar Sleuth, VoiceDiab, Blip, GoCARB, Nightscout, Intelligent Diabetes Management, Calculator Food exchange mobile, Insulin Pump, DiaMob and Interactive Diary on Diabetes. Conclusion: Mobile applications were developed to promote behavioral changes and treatment adjustments in a positive way, both in clinical results and in the quality of life and self-management of diabetes in people with DM1. Mobile apps for smartphones can assist in self-management of DM1 by enabling assistance in the decision to apply insulin, glycemic control, analysis of the need for insulin in meals, food management, calculation of food components in meals, continuous glucose monitoring and automatic calculation of bolus of carbohydrates and insulin.

Diabetes Mellitus , Mobile Applications , Self-Management
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218794


The study aims to find out the association between socio-economic status (SES) of the family and emotional competence (EC) of secondary school students by taking the construct as a whole and in terms of of its component factors. The cross- sectional study collected data from a stratified random sample of 866 students from the secondary schools of Ernakulam and Thrissur districts (Kerala, India), representing the population of adolescents in the age range 13-15, studying in the secondary classes (Std. VIII to X) of schools affiliated to the Board of Public Examinations, Govt. of Kerala. Data were collected by administering the Emotional Competence Scale for Secondary School Pupils (Rekha & Salim Kumar, 2015) and the Socio-Economic Status Scale (Usha & Vijayan, 2014). Chi-square test of association was employed to analyse the data inferentially. The result revealed the presence of significant association between SES of the family and emotional competence in total and two of the constituent factors of EC, viz., self-awareness and relationship management

Licere (Online) ; 26(03): 51-77, set.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523872


Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo investigar os conteúdos informacionais disseminados no site Movimento Nômades Digitais, buscando compreender os processos de autogestão de lazer-trabalho nesse estilo de viver. A pesquisa do tipo exploratória foi pautada em análise documental e estudo de caso. Os resultados apontam alguns paradoxos no equilíbrio entre as formas de concepção da autogestão do trabalho e as possíveis ressonâncias na autogestão do lazer. Essas mudanças no estilo do trabalho podem não representar, igualmente, mais flexibilidade de tempo e possibilidades de vivências de experiências significativas no lazer, sobretudo, pelos aspectos econômicos, políticos, culturais e organizacionais envolvidos. A autogestão do lazer parece não poder ser diretamente associada à autogestão do trabalho dos nômades digitais, já que outros elementos entram em cena, para além da opção pessoal em si.

This qualitative study aimed to investigate the informational content disseminated on the Movimento Nômades Digitais website, seeking to understand the leisure-work self-management processes in this lifestyle. Exploratory research was based on document analysis and case study. Results point to some paradoxes in the balance between the forms of conception of work self-management and the possible resonances in leisure self-management. These changes in the style of work may not represent, equally, more flexibility of time and possibilities of living meaningful experiences in leisure, due to the economic, political, cultural and organizational aspects involved. The self-management of leisure does not seem to be directly associated with the self-management of work by digital nomads, since other elements come into play, in addition to the personal option itself.

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 22: e20236644, 01 jan 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1442729


OBJETIVO: Sintetizar evidências disponíveis sobre ações de enfermagem para melhorar a autogestão do diabetes durante a pandemia de COVID-19. MÉTODO: Revisão de escopo usando a metodologia Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) e o Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Identificaram-se estudos acadêmicos e literatura cinzenta de sete bases de dados primárias e seis secundárias. Dois revisores avaliaram os estudos e os dados foram analisados ​​descritivamente. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 1.322 títulos, dos quais 31 estudos foram incluídos. Os estudos foram publicados em 2020, principalmente em inglês. A teleconsulta foi uma estratégia relevante para ajudar os pacientes a controlar o diabetes e sua saúde. CONCLUSÃO: A revisão indica que ações de enfermagem realizadas durante a pandemia para melhorar a autogestão do diabetes não foram diferentes do que está consolidado, mas algumas adaptações foram realizadas. A necessidade de autocuidado, apoio social e uma abordagem centrada no paciente é reforçada.

OBJECTIVE: To synthesize the available evidence on nursing-based actions to improve diabetes self-management during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD: Scoping review using the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology (JBI) and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). The research covered academic studies and gray literature from seven primary and six secondary databases. Two independent reviewers assessed the studies, and the data were analyzed descriptively. RESULTS: A total of 1,322 titles were identified, of which 31 studies were included. All studies were published in 2020, mainly in English. Teleconsultation was a relevant strategy to help patients manage diabetes and their general health. CONCLUSION: The review indicates that the nursing-based actions carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic to improve diabetes self-management are not different from what has been consolidated, but some adaptations have been undertaken. The need for self-care, social support, and a collaborative and patient-centered approach is reinforced.

Humans , Nursing , Diabetes Mellitus , Self-Management , COVID-19
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1966-1971, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990435


Objective:To explore the status of cancer health literacy of female patients with breast cancer and analyze its influencing factors, in order to provide a reference for formulating targeted interventions to promote the cancer health literacy of female breast cancer patients.Methods:A cross-sectional survey was conducted. From December 2021 to July 2022, 200 female breast cancer patients hospitalized in Hunan Cancer Hospital were investigated with general information questionnaire, chronic disease patients ′ Health Literacy Management Scale (HeLMS), Strategies Used by People to Promote Health (SUPPH) and Spiritual Attitude and Involvement List (SAIL). Results:The total score of cancer health literacy, self-management self-efficacy and spiritual attitude among female breast patients in this group was 84.63 (75.00, 97.00), 97.30(85.25, 112.00) and 105.00(96.00, 118.00) points. There was a positive correlation between cancer health literacy and self-management efficacy ( r=0.524, P<0.01) and spiritual attitude ( r=0.501, P<0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that education level, average monthly family income, self-management efficacy and spiritual attitude were the influencing factors of cancer health literacy of female breast cancer patients ( t values were 2.86 to 5.91, all P<0.05), which explained 45.7% of the total variation. Conclusions:The cancer health literacy of female patients with breast cancer is at a medium level. Nursing staff can improve the self-management efficacy and spiritual attitude of female patients with breast cancer, so as to improve the level of cancer health literacy and quality of life of patients, and then alleviate the pain of patients.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1803-1808, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990410


Objective:To explore the effects of online character strengths intervention on the distress-related and self-management ability of young and middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes. To provide reference for improving the physical and mental health of patients.Methods:Ninety-two young and middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou University of Medicine from July 2021 to July 2022 were selected and divided into intervention group and control group with 46 cases in each group by random number table method. The control group was given routine care, and the intervention group was given online character strengths intervention for 8 weeks. Diabetes-related distress Questionnaire (DDS) and Diabetes Self-Care Scale (DSCS) were used to evaluate the effects of the two groups of patients before intervention, immediately after intervention and 1 month after intervention.Results:The total DDS scores of the control group were (2.18 ± 0.70) and (2.01 ± 0.65) when the moment and 1 month after intervention, while the scores in the intervention group were (1.74 ± 0.47) and (1.18 ± 0.17), the differences were significant ( t = 3.13, 8.34, both P<0.05). The total DSCS scores of the control group were (72.25 ± 11.55) and (73.12 ± 10.72) when the moment and 1 month after intervention, while the scores in the intervention group were (85.95 ± 5.91) and (85.24 ± 5.21), the differences were significant ( t = 10.13, 2.10, both P<0.05). Conclusions:Online character strengths intervention can help alleviate the distress associated with young and middle-aged patients with type 2 diabetes and improve the level of self-management.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1648-1656, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990386


Objective:To retrieve the relevant guidelines and expert consensus on self-management of patients with high-risk foot diabetes, and analyze the content of high-quality guidelines and expert consensus recommendations, so as to provide a reference for the construction of a guidance program for self-management of patients with high-risk foot diabetes.Methods:Computer-retrieved clinical practice guidelines and expert consensus for self-management of patients with high-risk foot for diabetes from databases, guideline networks, and related professional websites. The search period was from January 1, 2012 to June 5, 2022. The quality of the included literature was evaluated and the evidence was extracted and integrated by 2 researchers. Experts were invited to evaluate the summarized evidence.Results:According to the quality of literature, a total of 12 guidelines (10 at level A and 2 at level B) and 3 expert consensus (expert discussion and decision) were included, and 8 themes were defined as regular follow-up, self-assessment, foot and decompression management, exercise management, nutrition management, indicator management, psychological management, and health education, a total of 28 recommendations. Among them, there were 23 A-level recommendations and 5 B-level recommendations.Conclusions:The quality of the guidelines and expert consensus included in this study is high,the recommended level of the summarized evidence is high. This study provides the reference and basis for the clinical staff to construct and guide the clinical practice of self-management of high-risk diabetic foot patients.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1084-1090, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990300


Objective:To explore the application effect of self-management ability-oriented focus solution model in children with nephrotic syndrome, and to observe the optimal value of self-management and coping style for children with nephrotic syndrome.Methods:This was a class trial study. A total of 96 children with nephrotic syndrome in Children′s Hospital of Nanjing Medical Universityfrom March 2018 to April 2020 were selected as the research object by convenient sampling method, 48 cases of children from March 2018 to February 2019 for the control group, using conventional psychological counseling, 48 cases of children from March 2019 to April 2020 for the observation group, with self management ability oriented focus solution mode. The self-management and response changes after 2 months of intervention were compared between the two groups.Results:The scores of treatment management, psychological management, diet management and social activity inself-management behavior after intervention were (32.79 ± 2.94), (19.43 ± 1.76), (22.34 ± 1.64), (39.79 ± 2.97) points in the observation group, and (27.42 ± 3.25), (16.79 ± 1.52), (18.46 ± 1.58), (35.28 ± 2.64) points in the control group, the differences were statistically significant ( t values were 7.86-11.80, all P<0.05). The scores of escape, acceptance, negative emotional response, and total score after intervention were (12.41 ± 2.15), (20.41 ± 1.85), (25.89 ± 1.68), (99.37 ± 8.94) points in the observation group, and (11.22 ± 3.04), (19.30 ± 2.09), (24.80 ± 2.10), (95.12 ± 9.02) points in the control group, the differences were statistically significant ( t values were 2.21-2.81, all P<0.05). Conclusions:The self-management-oriented focus solution model for children with nephrotic syndrome can promote the improvement of self-management behavior, and promote the improvement of coping methods in terms of avoidance, acceptance and negative emotional response, which has reference and complementary value for the care of children with nephrotic syndrome.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 968-974, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990281


Objective:To explore the formulation and application effect of the management plan for stroke patients of comprehensive unit-based safety program (CUSP), and to provide theoretical basis for the formulation of nursing intervention measures.Methods:This study was a quasi-experimental study. Using the convenient sampling method, 60 patients with stroke hospitalized in the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University from January to March 2021 were selected as the observation group, and 60 patients hospitalized from April to June 2021 were selected as the control group. The control group was given routine nursing measures for stroke patients, and the observation group was given intervention measures based on CUSP. The effects before and after the intervention were evaluated with the Stroke Self-management Behavior Scale, the Stroke Patient Health Literacy Scale, the Fatigue Scale, the 6MWT and the maximum inspiratory pressure.Results:After intervention, the total score of stroke self-management behavior, the total score of health literacy, the score of the maximum inspiratory pressure and the 6MWT in the observation group were (138.16 ± 13.23) points, (86.42 ± 2.32) points, (103.11 ± 18.52) cmH 2O (1 cmH 2O=0.098 kPa) , (478.91 ± 28.27) m, which were higher than those of the control group (132.48 ± 14.61) points, (84.26 ± 3.25) points, (91.82 ± 11.23) cmH 2O, (434.81 ± 20.86) m, the difference were statistically significant ( t values were 2.23-9.37, all P<0.05).After intervention, the total score of fatigue in the observation group was 2.51 ± 1.24, which was higher than the control group (4.71 ± 2.49), the difference was statistically significant ( t=-6.00, P<0.05). Conclusions:Intervention measures based on CUSP can promote the rehabilitation of stroke patients, and should be further strengthened and applied in clinical nursing.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 573-579, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990221


Objective:To explore the effects of traditional Chinese medicine nursing protocols for type 2 diabetes mellitus on the level of frailty and self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, so as to provide new ideas for intervention of diabetic frailty and improvement of self-management.Methods:From January 2021 to June 2021, the 100 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the department of Endocrinology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine were treated with the traditional Chinese medicine nursing protocols for type 2 diabetes mellitus issued by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine using the quasi experimental research method. General information questionnaire, Tilburg Frailty Indicator(TFI), Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA), Chinese-Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale(C-DMSES) and the effect evaluation scale of traditional Chinese medicine nursing protocols for diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus) were investigated on 1 to 2 days after admission, at discharge, 3 months after discharge and were analyzed by t test, analysis of variance, SNK test. Results:The TFI scores of patients were (4.90 ± 2.44), (3.89 ± 1.99), (3.43 ± 2.22) points, the SDSCA scores were (41.31 ± 14.30), (57.90 ± 12.73), (52.33 ± 12.71) points, the C-DMSES scores were (128.99 ± 32.18), (154.69 ± 25.43), (141.27 ± 27.86) points, the effect scores of traditional Chinese medicine nursing protocols for type 2 diabetes mellitus were (13.40 ± 6.02), (6.98 ± 5.04), (5.01 ± 3.96) points at 1-2 days after admission, discharge, and 3 months after discharge, there were statistically significant differences among different time periods ( F values were 11.14-72.50, all P<0.05). The fasting blood glucose and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose of patients were (9.28 ± 3.51), (7.16 ± 1.66), (7.24 ± 1.76) mmol/L and (14.93 ± 4.22), (10.28 ± 4.83), (10.30 ± 2.25) mmol/L at 1-2 days after admission, discharge and 3 months after discharge, and the differences were statistically significant ( F = 21.02, 37.55, both P<0.05). Conclusions:The implementation of traditional Chinese medicine nursing protocols for type 2 diabetes mellitus can delay the degree of frailty of type 2 diabetes mellitus, improve the level of self-management of patients, help patients control blood glucose, with good traditional Chinese medicine nursing effect, worthy of clinical application.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 401-405, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990193


Objective:To analyze the effects of stratified follow-up intervention combined with LEARNS model on self-management, glucose metabolism, compliance and satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).Methods:This study was a quasi-experimental study. A total of 212 patients with T2DM who visited the DM nursing clinic of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University from June 2020 to May 2021 were selected and divided into control group (102 cases) and intervention group (110 cases) according to the treatment time. All the patients received the conventional medical treatment and health education guidance for 6 months, at the same time, the intervention group received management of the triangle stratified model combined with LEARNS mode. The glucose metabolism, self-management behavior, satisfaction and compliance were compared before and after the intervention.Results:Before the intervention, the baseline data of the 2 groups had no significant difference(all P>0.05) and were comparable. Three and six months after the intervention, the HbA1c values of the intervention group were (6.18 ± 0.57)% and (6.40 ± 0.47)%, which were significant better than those in the control group, (6.74 ± 0.90)% and (6.99 ± 0.91)%, the differences were significant ( t=8.05 and 9.12, both P<0.01). Three and six months after the intervention, the SDASC values in the intervention group were (46.51 ± 5.80) and (44.41 ± 5.61), which were higher than those in the control group, (43.45 ± 4.20) and (42.08 ± 3.67), the difference were significant ( t=6.56 and 5.32, both P<0.01). Three and six months after the intervention, the compliance and patient satisfaction of intervention group were better than those in the control group ( χ2=5.52 and 7.26, t=7.02 and 15.75, all P<0.05). Conclusions:Triangle hierarchical management combined with LEARNS model can effectively improve the blood glucose levels of T2DM patients as well as their self-management levels, satisfaction and compliance, which can help nurses reasonably allocate follow-up time.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 347-354, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990184


Objective:To explore the effect of health education based on symptom management strategy on the psychological status, self-management ability and quality of life of maintenance hemodialysis patients.Methods:A randomized controlled trial method was used. One hundred and fifty hemodialysis maintenance patients in the Blood Purification Center, Jinan People's Hospital from August 2019 to August 2020, were selected as the research subjects by convenience sampling. Patients were divided into a control group and observation group by random number table method, with 75 cases in each group. The control group was given routine health education, and the observation group was given health education based on symptom management strategies. Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), self-management ability scale of dialysis patients, and SF-36 quality of life scale were used to compare the improvement of negative emotion, self-management ability, and quality of life in the two groups.Results:There was no statistically significant difference between the control group and the observation group before the intervention (all P>0.05). After 3 months of intervention, the SAS and SDS scores of the patients in the observation group were (36.42 ± 4.09) and (35.74 ± 3.64) respectively, which were lower than those of the control group (46.37 ± 4.64) and (49.38 ± 2.49). The difference was statistically significant ( t=8.46, 9.42, P<0.05); the self-management score of patients in the observation group (80.11 ± 7.83) was higher than that in the control group (47.21 ± 6.62), with a statistically significant difference ( t=32.29, P<0.05); the total score of SF-36 quality of life in the observation group (594.32 ± 35.03) was higher than that in the control group (501.42 ± 32.78),with a statistically significant difference ( t=24.66, P<0.05). Conclusions:Health education based on symptom management strategy can improve the psychological status of maintenance hemodialysis patients, and has important value in improving their self-management ability and quality of life.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 175-181, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990157


Objective:To explore the effect of pre-hospital health education based on "Internet +" on self-management efficacy, anxiety and depression of patients undergoing pulmonary tumor surgery, and provide reference for pre-hospital nursing care of this group.Methods:It was a randomized controlled trial. A total of 100 outpatients in Department of Pulmonary Oncology, Tumor Hospital of Tianjin Medical University to be hospitalized for surgery during November 2021 to March 2022, were divided into experimental group ( n=50) and control group ( n=50) by random number method according to the order of outpatient visits. Patients in control group received routine thoracic surgery nursing and health education after admission. Those in experimental group received "Internet +" pre-hospital health education during patients waiting for hospital beds for surgery, nursing care after admission was the same as that of the control group. The scores of Strategies Used by People to Promote Health (SUPPH) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score (HADS) were compared between the two groups 1 day before discharge. Results:At the time of outpatient visit, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in the comparison of all dimensions and total scores of SUPPH and the score of HADS ( P>0.05). Total SUPPH score, and self-decompression, self-decision and positive attitude score of experimental group were (110.62 ± 17.73) points, (38.74 ± 6.56) points, (11.98 ± 2.20) points, (59.90 ± 10.18) points, respectively, while in the control group, the scores were (92.86 ± 18.91) points, (32.46 ± 7.39) points, (9.76 ± 2.00) points and (50.64 ± 11.50) points, respectively, with statistically significant differences ( t values were -5.29--4.27, all P<0.01). Besides, the anxiety and depression scores of HADS in experimental group were (3.92 ± 2.25) points and (3.36 ± 2.38) points, respectively, while those in control group were (7.12 ± 3.49) points and (7.00 ± 3.53) points, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant ( t=5.45, 6.04, both P<0.01). Conclusions:The "Internet +" pre-hospital health education model can promote the self-management efficacy of patients undergoing pulmonary tumor surgery, and improve their psychological state during treatment. The study provided reference for promoting diversified extended nursing services in clinical practice.

International Journal of Pediatrics ; (6): 503-507, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989121


Asthma is a common chronic respiratory disease in children.Adolescent asthma is characterized by high prevalence rate, high mortality and poor disease control.The optimal adolescent asthma management is crucial to improve asthma control, as well as reduce the burden of asthma including mortality.The key of the management in adolescents with asthma is the self-management, which involves individual, family and social aspects.The imbalance between physical development and psychological development in adolescents leads to many challenges in the self-management in adolescents with asthma.This review elaborates the current situation, influence factors and promotional strategies of self-management in adolescents with asthma so as to achieve the optimal asthma self-management.